Plant Blindness is a simple term that educator-botanists James Wandersee and Elisabeth Schussler coined in 1998 to describe what they observed to be an increasing inability among people to see or notice plants in their environments. We are witnessing the reality of this condition play out today with children—capable of naming hundreds of corporate logos and TV characters—unable to recognize the trees growing in their own yards.
In 2018, Jonathan Frey and I were awarded a Curtis Gates Lloyd Research Fellowship at the Lloyd Library in Cincinnati, Ohio. We spent the month of June combing through their book collection while researching and starting a design project titled Posters for the Plant Blind. These open-source posters incorporate rich, visual elements sourced from the library's archive as well as original drawings and are meant to inspire greater interest in the plant world as well as to promote plant literacy.
These posters are available as open source files or in printed form, from the artists and from the Lloyd Library.